Data Science Research


MRCU has accumulated substantial data over the years from projects such as the HIV program in Uganda's Central region for the past 7 years and Mildmay Uganda Hospital for over 20 years, since 1998. The data covers HIV/AIDS and comorbidities such as Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis B, Cancer, Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Diseases, Pneumonia, Hepatic Diseases and Mental Health. There is a maintained comprehensive patient records for approximately 44,498 patients, including demographic profiles, counseling information, and viral load data. The dataset has over 456,590 observations, and
over 633,188 laboratory test results over the years.

The overall aim of our data science department: To mine and analyze the massive amounts of datq in order to discover knowledge that can be used to inform development of policy and regulation so that evidence-based decisions are made to take actions that maximize the benefit of society.
